

For over 70 years, Kel-Lac has touched the lives of over a million men and women in our nation's Air Force. Since 1951, the founders (and current owners) of our company understood the value of the human touch - going above and beyond to service the needs of our customers. In many cases, these customers were in a bind and needed us. This level of service and commitment builds customer confidence. You cannot buy this confidence. It is earned over the long haul as you faithfully serve your customers. From the A1C to the General officer, we stand ready to continue this important role. Below you will find a handful of organizations we have confidence in as well. They all represent people who value contribution, giving back - primarily of their personal time. They represent the core values of integrity first, service before self and excellence in all they do. By clicking on each logo, you can learn more to support them as do we.

TACP Foundation

Friends of the Government

Fisher House

Military Wild

Band of Runners